Picking style-is it important?

Hi Darryl!
I’m happy I got your CAGED course and really enjoy working on it!
In your major “putting it all together” section major 7 idea, you seem to use maybe sweep picking and middle finger (hybrid like) picking to get notes over strings easyer.I also find it easyer for me to switch and use the picking style that “comes in handy” when trying to speed up a run.
Do you think this is ok for me in learning runs?
Greetings Lars

Hey Lars!

Forgive me for the late reply. As you know, I’ve been working tirelessly to build the new platform, and so it’s been tough to keep on top of everything :sweat_smile:

I’m glad you’re enjoying working on the CAGED class! I love to hybrid pick, I think it gives the sound of the strings a much broader dynamic range and feel. Could you define “runs”? I enjoy this technique, but it’s not something I would use for everything. It’s all contextual so it’s tough for me to give you a definitive rule for all use cases, so if you can help me understand what kind of “runs” you’re referring to then I’ll be able to assist :smile:

Thanks for your patience!

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Hi Darryl!
Thank You for answering, I fully understand your delay :slightly_smiling_face: .With runs I mean those little ideas of combining positions in the caged system. Is it ok for me to use hybrid picking or would it be better to use alternate picking. I feel more secure using hybrid picking, but maby I should get better at alternate picking…:face_with_monocle:

Hi Darryl!
I’m sorry, I thought you were using hybrid picking in some of the caged system videos, but now with a closer look I realise that you probably donˋt🙂 . Sorry for the confusion!
Greetings Lars

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In this context, I think you should practice both if you’re unsure. Since this isn’t a “technique” based course, there’s no real right or wrong. But I do encourage that you get good at both - don’t only practice what you’re good at :wink:

I will try out both with and without hybrid help​:blush::+1:t2:

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